في مراقبة التحكم في مخزون الإمداد الطبي ليبيا (SCM) تطبيق تقنية إدارة سلسلة التوريد
مقال في مجلة علمية

مع تزايد أهمية ودور سلاسل التوريد والتخزين SCM والإمداد الطبي في تحقيق الأداء للمؤسسات الطبية اليوم ، تم التركيز في هذا البحث علي دور عملية التخزين لما لها من أهمية في العملية التخزينية للمؤسسات المختلفة . تهدف هذه الدراسة الي عملية التنظيم الأمثل وذلك من أجل تحقيق التحكم في المخزون لضمان إستمرار تقديم الخذمات دون حدوث تكدس أو نقص في المخزون .

محمود محمد عاشور أبوبكر، (09-2020)، مجلة الأفاق العلمية: مجلة الأفاق العلمية، 2 (1)، 296-305

An example of industrialization of melt electrospinning: Polymer melt differential electrospinning
Journal Article

In recent years, researchers are paying more attention to high efficiency, high process stability and eco-friendly nanofiber fabrication techniques. Among all of the nanofiber fabrication methods, electrospinning including solution electrospinning and melt electrospinning is the most promising method for nanofiber mass production. Compared to solution electrospinning, melt electrospinning could be applied in many areas such as tissue engineering and wound dressings due to the absence of any toxic solvent involvement. Capillary melt electrospinning generates only one jet with low efficiency. Hence, we have proposed polymer melt differential electrospinning (PMDES) method, which could produce multiple jets with smallest interjet distance of 1.1 mm from an umbrella shape spinneret, thus improving the production efficiency significantly. Many techniques such as material modification, suction wind, etc

Mahmoud M Bubakir, (07-2019), Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research: Elsevier, 3 110-115

أهمية برامج التدريب المطورة والفعالة للعاملين في قطاع التصنيع محليا وعربيا
مقال في مجلة علمية

إن العولمة الدولية لأسواق العالم الخاصة بالمواد المصنعة وخاصة منها المواد الاستهلاكية أو ذات العلاقة بالمستهلك وضعت ضغوطات و تأكيدات على الدول من اجل تحسين أو تطوير إنتاجياتها التصنيعية. وكلما تغيرت التقنيات أو طورت فأن المهارات التي يحتاجها العامل أيضا هي بحاجة للتطوير وذلك من أجل المنافسة بنجاح في السوق العالمية. أن الهيئات أو المنظمات الهندسية وغيرها العاملة في مجال التصنيع يجب أن تركز وتستهدف على تدريب العاملين لديها في مها ا رت أساسية ضرورية وذلك من أجل أن تكون مؤهلة وقادرة على تصنيع منتجات ذات جودة عالية وتنافسية .

تلك الحاجة لتحسين وتطوير الإنتاجية تم تحفيزها أو أستحثاثها أكثر بواسطة فاقد كامن في الحد التنافسي في السوق العالمية. أن المنافسة السوقية والفاعلية لأي دولة تعتمد أساسا على عوامل عدة كالأقتصاد، الموثوقية، الجودة، الاستجابة السريعة لتغيرات السوق، سهولة العمليات التصنيعية المتبعة، وجودة المنتج، ولهذا وإلى حد كبير فأن مهارات قوى العمل من مهندسين، فنيين، وعمالة هي التي تحدد فاعلية وقدرة عمليات التصنيع وجودة المنتجات المصنعة.

ولكن وإلى الآن مازال هناك قصور ونقص في برامج التدريب المطورة والفعالة للمهارات التي تحتاجها القوى العاملة في المؤسسات التصنيعية الهندسية وغيرها محليا بل وعربيا. في هذه الورقة البحثية سنحاول توضيح أهمية الحاجة الماسة والملحة لتدريب العاملين في المؤسسات التصنيعية الليبية والعربية وبالتالي تحسين الفاعلية والقدرة الكلية لتلك المؤسسات خاصة وللدول العربية بشكل عام لتكون منافس حقيقي وفعال في السوق العالمي .

الكلمات المفتاحية : التدريب، قوة العمل، التصنيع، الميكنة، سوق العمل، الجودة، الآلة.

محمود محمد عاشور أبوبكر، (06-2019)، مجلة ليبيا للعلوم التطبيقية والتقنية: LJAST، 1 (6)، 15-26

Melt-electrospinning of polyphenylene sulfide
Journal Article

Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) superfine fiber is a promising high efficient material for high temperature dedusting. In this paper, the PPS superfine fiber was prepared by melt-electrospinning for the first time. In order to produce the finer fibers, the polypropylene (PP) was added to PPS and the effects of blending ratio, spinning voltage, spinning temperature, and spinning distance on resultant fibers were investigated systematically. The superfine fibers of PPS with an average diameter of 4.12 μm were successfully prepared at the optimized condition, which was one third of that by melt-spinning method. With the decrease of 76.21 % fibers diameter, the filter efficiency increased from 87.03 % to 98.05 %. The presented method provides a new way for the scalable and green fabrication of PPS superfine fibers.

Mahmoud M Bubakir, (12-2018), Fibers and Polymers: The Korean Fiber Society, 12 (19), 2507-2513

Magnetic nanofibers: unique properties, fabrication techniques, and emerging applications
Journal Article

Magnetic nanofibers (MNFs) are integrated with a variety of properties, such as large surface area, high porosity, small size effect and apparent magnetism. This enables MNFs to possess excellent properties of both nanofibers (NFs) and magnetic materials, which greatly widens the application of the original magnetic materials. A brief review of the properties of MNFs, fabrication techniques, and their emerging applications which include biomedical application, sensing and electronic devices, wastewater treatment and microwave absorption is presented. Finally, the development trend and prospect of MNFs in future are summarized and discussed.

Mahmoud M Bubakir, (08-2018), ChemistrySelect: Chemistry Europe, 31 (3), 9127-9143

Advances in melt electrospinning technique

Melt Electrospinning is a technique capable of producing nanofibers with the advantage of being eco-friendly, cost effective, and be applied in many areas such as nonwovens with high performance, biomedicine, high efficiency filtration, oil sorption, and many others. This chapter describes the current trends on melt electrospinning including advancements in the technique, processing characteristics, latest processing techniques, materials, apparatus, and areas of applications. Melt differential electrospinning which is a new technique for ultra-fine fiber production invented by our innovation team of advanced polymer processing, has been introduced. Future perspectives on melt electrospinning also proposed.

Key Words: Electrospinning; melt electrospinning; nanofibers; applications. 

MM Bubakir, (01-2018), Handbook of Nanofibers: Springer, 1-30

Engineering nanofibers as electrode and membrane materials for batteries, supercapacitors, and fuel cells

Energy and environment are two major problems facing mankind today. Developing environment-friendly and energy-saving technology has always been the focuses of researchers all over the world. Batteries, supercapacitors, and fuel cells are three widely used or promising devices that can ease the energy and environmental pressures. However, there are still many problems and deficiencies that need to be solved or improved, such as low capacity, low-power density, and poor durability. In order to address these drawbacks, nanofibers are introduced into the application of electrode and electrolyte fabrication because of the high specific surface area, interpenetrating network, and strength. This section will introduce the applications of nanofibers in batteries, supercapacitors, and fuel cells in detail.


Energy production Energy storage Nanofibers Batteries Supercapacitors Fuel cells Electrode materials Membrane materials 

MM Bubakir, (01-2018), Handbook of Nanofibers: Springer International Publishing, 1-27

Temperature effect on sorption capacity of PP melt electrospun ultrafine fibers in marine oil spill clean up
Journal Article

Marine Oil spills have become a serious environmental problem, and contribute to severe impacts and economic losses. Fast and efficient cleanup of oil from marine environment is vital. The use of sorbents is one of the most efficient techniques in removing oil from water. In this work, pure polypropylene (PP) ultrafine fibers with 2 μm diameter were prepared by air assisted melt electrospinning device to be used as oil sorbent. Two fiber samples were used in this study, fluffy, cotton like appearance and oriented, cloth like appearance with different porosities. The influence of temperature change on oil/water mixture was studied. Fluffy fibers showed a better performance in sorption capacity. Results indicated that change in temperature was an important factor in determining the sorption capacity of the fibers. Additionally, in contrast to solution electrospinning, melt electrospinning is safer, cost effective and …

Mahmoud M Bubakir, (01-2017), Key Engineering Materials: Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 0 (717), 104-111

Water filtration properties of novel composite membranes combining solution electrospinning and needleless melt electrospinning methods
Journal Article

New composite polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)/polypropylene (PP) membranes were prepared by combining both solution electrospinning and melt electrospinning methods. Self‐designed and made needleless melt electrospinning device was used to fabricate PP membranes which acted as the support layer. PVA membrane on the surface was fabricated via solution electrospinning. The electrospun PVA/PP composite membranes were characterized by the pore size distribution, pure water flux, and rejection ratio, then compared with general composite membranes. Characterizations revealed that the fiber diameter of solution electrospun PVA membrane and melt electrospun PP membrane were 0.171 ± 0.027 and 2.24 ± 0.33 μm, respectively, and the average pore size was 0.832 μm and 27.29 μm, which was much smaller than the nonwoven membrane. The rejection ratio to the 500 nm particles of the PVA/PP …

Mahmoud M Bubakir, (03-2015), Journal of Applied Polymer Science: Wiley Periodicals, Inc, 10 (132),

Mass production of ultra-fine fibre by melt electrospinning method using umbellate spinneret
Journal Article

Solventless melt electrospinning which allows mass production is substantially safe. It can produce fibres of hundreds of nanometres, one order of magnitude lower than that of conventional melt-blown spinning. In this paper, a comparison between different technologies producing ultra-fine fibre reveals the advancement of melt electrospinning method using umbellate spinneret for ultra-fine fibre mass production. Some typical industrial polymer materials was also spun using melt electrospinng method, including biodegradable materials like polylactic acid and polycaprolactone (PCL), which may contribute to some interesting applications. In addition, a machine for mass production is also proposed. Finally, proposition of the industrialisation of ultra-fine fibre by melt electrospinning is discussed.

MM Bubakir, (07-2014), Materials Research Innovations: Taylor & Francis, 4 (18), 921-925